Wednesday, April 4, 2012

From Coast to Coast..

Gamma Phi Beta has the best French Toast.

With that said, we definitely had the best French Toast Feed in years. Way to go Kiya Stack (our Philanthropy chair) and every lady in Pi Chapter that worked the night of the event. FTF took place on Thursday, March 29th from 9pm until 2am. Tickets were $3 from any Gamma Phi or $4 at the door.

FTF has been the talk on campus for the last week, and I totally understand why.

To give a little history:
FTF is Pi Chapter's spring philanthropy which benefits CampFire USA. CampFire USA is an after-school program for under-privileged kids in Omaha and Lincoln, NE. They also created the BackPack Program, which sends backpacks of food home during the weekend for the children. For more information on how to get involved with CampFire USA, click here.

Gracie Thomas and Megan Lehl rocking the FTF t-shirts.

The wonderful banner made by Annie McKeighan.

Pi Chapter is ready for a night of entertainment.

Even the men on campus were getting involved.

Courtney's got her mind set for the evening.

Mom and Daughter love sets the night off right.

Emily Isom and Katy Weak working hard as greeters.

Melissa Bakewell in the kitchen.

We even had SunDrop sponsor the event!!
In case you haven't seen this beauty yet:

French Toast Feed 2012 might have been one of my greatest nights this semester! So proud of Pi Chapter.

Your Beloved Crescent Sister

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