Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Presidents Day!

 Make sure to celebrate Presidents Day today! 

It might help make this dreary, rainy weather a little better.
We all know how much Gamma Phi Beta loves celebrating

Jillian, Emily, and Julia celebrating the USA.

Jamie, Katie, Brooke waving the American Flag.


Your Beloved Crescent Sister

Sunday, February 19, 2012

DM2012: For The Kids!

Nebraska Dance Marathon is a University of Nebraska-Lincoln student organization that works year-round to benefit Omaha's Children's Hospital and Medical Center, which is a member of the Children's Miracle Network. The year of work culminates in the actual "Dance Marathon;" a fun night of dancing with children and families from the hospital. The grand total raised was $48,704.00! Way to rock it UNL.

Want to see some photos of the precious Miracle Children?

The cheerleaders & football players stopped by to say hello to the families!

The Bathtub Dogs performed privately for the families and spent a little extra time getting to know the families. Mary is loving this moment with them! 

Aren't they cute? 

From 7pm-7am students danced the night away. Why you may ask? WE dance for those who CAN'T dance. We dance for the kids! 

Catch up on your ZzZz's sisters. Another week of classes is approaching soon.

Your Beloved Crescent Sister

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Snaps To: Keri Simonds

 "She is clothed with strength and dignity,
and she laughs without fear of the future.
  When she speaks, her words are wise,
and she gives instructions with kindness.
  She carefully watches everything in her household
and suffers nothing from laziness."

--Proverbs 31:25-27

Keri Simonds (I hope you read this), you are a true inspiration to every woman in this house. Actually, that might be an understatement. You are a true inspiration to every woman on this campus.

Keri, a senior in Gamma Phi, was diagnosed with cancer and recently had her thyroid removed.  Keep Calm & Keri On is a blog Keri created so that all her friends and family could follow her as she battles cancer and undergoes treatment. 

However, this blog has grown into much more than a daily update. This woman inspires. She makes you look at life in a different light. She writes in such a way that you all you can do after reading a post is strive to be your best. Her deep thoughts and witty humor make for an amazing blog. Every girl needs a part of Keri in their life. 

Photos above showcase how much love is overflowing in Keri. 

Not only is she full of love, but she is constantly loving on her sisters! She is joyful 24/7, even during this hard time in her life. She continues to praise God in this trial of her life! What a positive role model. I can only hope when I am faced with a tough battle that I may have the strength and courage that Keri possesses. 

Today, how can you impact others? Gamma Phi Beta encourages you to reach your fullest type of womanhood, are you accomplishing that?

Your Beloved Crescent Sister

I am a G...

I am a G
I am a G A
I am a G A M M A Phi Beta girl
and I have a G A M M A Phi in my H E A R T
and I will L O V E love it til the D A Y I die!

We all love representing Gamma Phi Beta! From loud chants to newly designed apparel, the greek letters are a staple in every sorority girl's life. 

However, the way you wear your letters depends on the girl.
Katherine, the owner of the Style Tab fashion blog, wrote an entire post on "How To: Wear Sorority Letters."
Not only is it a great post, but she used her sisters as models who happen to be GAMMA PHI BETAS!
(Full article can be found here)

Style Tab

So how will you be rocking your GPhiBee attire?


Your Beloved Crescent Sister

After Valentine's Day Blues?

Are you still feeling that sugar high from the most recent holiday?

We are all well aware of the snack kitchen being full of yummy cupcakes, Valentine's Day chocolates and treats. If you're still in a slump, here are some pointers on how to motivate yourself to exercise and work on those troubled areas!

Inspired yet?

Your Beloved Crescent Sister

Java Love

This past weekend, Friday, February 10th, to be exact, some of the lovely ladies of Pi Chapter attended Java Love. This event was hosted by UNL Navigators, which is a Lutheran based faith organization for students on campus. The night's events consisted of an intense game of Battle of the Sexes, speakers talking about their relationships, and lots of sugary desserts and coffee. Talk about a relaxing way to spend your Friday night. 

Brielle, Laura, and Erin enjoying the night's fesitivities.

GPhi's ladies at Java Love.

The ladies of Pi Chapter also host two different Bible studies in their chapter house. On Sunday nights, Julia McCormick leads a FocusGreek bible study, which is Catholic based, but all girls are welcome. Recently, a group of sophomores and juniors created a non-denominational bible study on Tuesday nights at 8pm. These girls love sisterhood bonding! There is no better way to grow spiritually stronger than with your sisters by your side. 

Your Beloved Crescent Sister

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Prep Stuck In The Midwest

"You can never be overdressed or overeducated."
 ― Oscar Wilde.


Your Beloved Crescent Sister

Get Your CRAVE On

The ladies of Pi Chapter were all about neon colors and bright tutus this weekend. As the first social of the semester, CRAVE made its way into everyone's Lilly Planner. My sisters had no trouble getting their "CRAVE on." We danced the night away, sang our hearts out, and made fashion faux paus galore. Isn't that what sorority socials are for?

Crush + Rave= Crave

Now it all makes sense.

These girls have the "Crescent" down.

Your Beloved Crescent Sister

Meet our Leading Ladies

Pi Chapter at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has been making an impact on campus since 1914. As a proud sister of this chapter, I thought I would bring the ladies of Pi Chapter to the blogging world. I will be sharing accomplishments of my lovely sisters, their involvement on campus, and the impact they are having on the Lincoln community. Join me as I show everyone why I love these ladies "to the crescent moon and back."

Pi Chapter is proud of our 2012 Exec Team. These women fulfill the mission of Gamma Phi Beta on a daily basis, "To Inspire the Highest Type of Womanhood." Please meet our leading ladies:

Kim Schumacher: President
Julia McCormick: Administrative Vice President
Emily Waring: Financial Vice President
Kara Brostrom: Membership Vice President
Caitlin Drummy: Education Vice President
Lindsay Grove: Public Relations Vice President
Brielle Hagemeier: Panhellenic

So excited to be a member of the blogger world, cannot wait to see what the semester brings!
                                     Your Beloved Crescent Sister