Friday, March 2, 2012


Many of you may know that student elections are coming up very soon. The date is March 7th and the students are already out promoting their organizations. This year, two different parties are running for ASUN, Party Party and IMPACT. Each party is filled with involved students, great ideas, and of course, Gamma Phis. 

First, we will be highlighting IMPACT. 

The IMPACT party is a group of highly involved and knowledgeable students. They have three main goals which consist of Academics, Outreach and Student Life.

You can see a full description of their goals and platforms on their Facebook Page and their website

Now to highlight the Gamma Phi Betas involved with this party:

Lauren Andrews

Lauren is running for the senator position for the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. It is the only senate seat for her college and I know she will represent the college well. She is also on the core team which is in charge of promoting the party, weekly meeting, and figuring out platforms. When I spoke to Lauren, she said "I believe we have a team of the most knowledgeable students that know almost everything about our campus. These students (including myself) are compassionate about what we do, and what we want to do." Lauren is no stranger to student government. As a freshman, Lauren was a member of FCLA.

Emily Waring

Emily is running for the senator position for the College of Engineering.

Tayler Hough

Tayler is running as a member of the Advisory Board for the College of Arts & Sciences. Tayler is currently a member of FCLA.

If you want to hear more about the parties and their platforms, feel free to attend The Last Word-ASUN Debate hosted by HPSAB. More information
is available here.

Don't forget to vote in the student elections 
on March 7th, 2012 and support your Gamma Phi sisters!

Your Beloved Crescent Sister

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